Space Safety Magazine

The publication of the quarterly Space Safety Magazine ceased in 2013. The Space Safety Magazine online is still active publishing weekly Press Clips, and articles


Space Safety Magazine, Issue 6, Winter 2013

  • The Columbia Disaster and Space Program Safety
  • Space Politics, the European Way
  • World’s First Automated Space Debris Tracker
  • What if There IS Life on Mars? (Interview)
  • To the Stratos and Beyond – (Interview)
  • Under Pressure: A Brief History of Pressure Suits
  • Looking Far Into the Future (Interview)
  • Special Report: Remembering Columbia

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Space Safety Magazine, Issue 4, Summer 2012

  • IAASS Conference 2013 : Call for Papers
  • Dragon: A Breakthrough Mission
  • Envisat: Looming Collision Threat
  • Gil’s Corner
  • Special Report: Space Traffic Management
  • Landing a Nuclear Powered Rover
  • Let’s Not Kill All the Lawyers Yet
  • Space Access: The Worst Case Scenario
  • Soyuz TMA-11 Ballistic Reentry
  • Pioneer One: Science and Entertainment

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Space Safety Magazine, Issue 3, Spring 2012

  • Building a Space Safety Institute
  • Engineering a Safer World
  • CleanSpace One
  • Space Weather May Increase Risk of Sudden Death
  • Contamination Risk During EVA
  • WALDO: A System for Removal of Large Orbital Debris
  • ISSF Special: The Case for Support
  • Spacecraft Reentry: Safety by Design
  • The Legal Frontier of Commercial Space Regulation
  • Coolant Tank Crashed in Brazil
  • Pay No Attention to the Team Behind the Curtain…

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Space Safety Magazine, Issue 2, Winter 2012

  • Cooperating with China: Space Safety is the Key!
  • Psychology of Space Exploration
  • Five Hundred Days in Isolation
  • China’s Foundations in Space
  • 5th IAASS Conference: USAF General Opening Speech
  • Astrophotography and Space Debris
  • Will Anyone Recover Apollo 13’s Plutonium?
  • Revisiting the Liablity Convention
  • Water and Bombs
  • Suborbital Safety: A New IAASS Techincal Committee

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Space Safety Magazine, Issue 1, Fall 2011

  • Welcome to the First Issue of the Space Safety Magazine
  • Need for Integrated Regulatory Regime
  • Space Toxicology
  • The Vision: An International Institute for Space Safety
  • Introducing IAASS
  • commercial Space Debris Removal
  • Safety of Nuclear Powered Missions
  • What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?

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Space Safety Magazine, Pilot Isssue, July 2011

  • Welcome to the First Issue of the Space Safety Magazine
  • Choosing Safety
  • NASA Launches Satellite Servicing Experiment
  • NASA Announces New Plans for the Orion Capsule
  • Human Rating the Delta IV Heavy
  • Safety of Lithium Battery
  • Going to Space on an Homemade Rocket
  • Double Indemnity
  • Landing Curiosity
  • Nespoli Captures Historic ISS Photographs

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